
Les Boudoirs Matrice

Rediscovering our fundamental reflexes, natural and spontaneous; our first Movements of Lifeuntil to reveal the Dance of its reality.

An intuitive approach to yoga,
of Movement and Dance.

The Boudoirs Matrice offer journeys of reconnection to your intuitive, spontaneous movement, unique, free and authenticinspired by the voice of your depths, towards the expression of the Dance of your reality.

And Movement and Dance become one a means of expression and emancipation to free yourself from the mental and physical chains that limit your daily life, with the intention of rediscover the pleasure and joy of being.

"Convinced that by rediscovering a unique bond of love with the space that held our first cells, imprints and memories...we can truly transform our daily lives, Les Boudoirs d'Anahita invites us to honour, respect and celebrate our own individuality by connecting with the source of humanity's birth: the Womb."