What can we expect?

La Biodynamic Dancecreated by Rafael Baile, allows you to rediscover the integrity of your primary personality.

La Sweat lodge reveal your free and wild truth.


Courses, Workshops & Immersions

Untie your body and its history, and your Life will change accordingly!!!

Anahita's boudoirs

An invitation to reawaken our own mysteries and the mysteries of other worlds, to rediscover Wisdom and weave together a World of Peace.


Yoga & Movement Matrix©


Discover Yoga Matrice© courses and cycles online

Cycle 1 & 2 online

12 hours of videos of Yoga classes & Matrix Movement ©.

4 hours of Biodynamic Dance
(Available for 1 year)

Courses weekly * Matrix movement online

Weekly Yoga & Movement Matrix© classes onlinestructured over 5 Cycles (1 lesson/week, 40 hours of lessons, accessible for 1 year or unlimited)



The Boudoirs in pictures