My story
What am I?

I'm Mila Mariom, a lover of human connection, of bodies in movement, and of the magic that happens when people come together and explore together,
Since 2011, I've been offering yoga classes and workshops in self-expression through the body, movement and dance, so that everyone can taking the time to listen what is said inside and taking care of yourself by freely expressing the dance of its truth, while reconnecting with the pleasure and joy of being, in all authenticity.
And meeting others becomes a source of support, love and solidarity.
my social media

In 2021, years of developing an increasingly keen eye for memories, history and the pathways traced on our bodies led me to create spaces named "BoudoirsThe meeting will enable you to:
Reactivate natural reflexes and spontaneous movements for a healthy, liberated body structure,
Untying the body and the knots in its history,
to better understand their needs and respect their limits, for spontaneous and authentic movement and dance,
Taking the time to listen in its depths, reconnecting with what is essential, and freely express the Dance of its truth.
Each Boudoir brings us together around the source organ of the birth of humanity, the Matrix of a woman,
The space that gave birth to our bodies in their freest and most authentic movement, and at the origin of our primary individuality.
My intention is for each of us to dare to plunge, in confidence, into our own depths, to listen to the voice of our own story and express, through body and movement, the dance of our own unique, free and authentic truth.
My approach is profoundly feminist and is part of a movement to respect and recognise women's bodies and voices.

Extremely introverted and wild as a child, it was between 2007 and 2009 that my view of life, the body and its mysteries became clearer, thanks to an encounter with yoga and a year and a half in the Amazon jungle accompanied by medicinal plants.
Since then, I've never stopped travelling, learning and training in yoga, yoga for women, human movement, dance for self-expression, the creative voice, the secrets of the female body, the mysteries of the collective unconscious and trance... so that I can expand my workshops and offer precious time to work towards our inner peace and together towards a world of peace.
As the mother of 3 children from my loving union with a mountain man, their births, years of free education, without school, and the path of life as a couple with this little tribe, clearly colour my path of exploration.
The various Boudoirs offer time to reconnect with yourself, to transform:
- the way we look at and love ourselves and each other,
- our presence in the moment, in all its truth and authenticity,
- our path to healing and autonomy,
- our ability to self-regulate our nervous system,
- the way we move, orientate ourselves and make decisions in our lives,
- our power to create and manifest our reality...
and above all:
so that we never again forget, hide, lose, diminish or divide ourselves.
My mission
Untie the movement and voice of our bodies, its history and its truth, in order to rediscover a unique and authentic bond of love for our bodies, for ourselves, for everyone and for each other.
Towards a World of Peace
My Tools
Yoga & Movement Matrice®️
Created by Mila.
An intuitive approach to Yoga, Movement and Dance that enables you to rediscover spontaneous, fluid and authentic movement in your body, opening up the space to express the body's voice from its depths and create the dance of your reality as a woman.
Dance Biodynamique®️
Created by Rafael Baile.
Based on the "organic" laws of movement, this "natural" approach to dance encourages the repair of old deficiencies in the body's structure while offering the possibility of revealing our creative potential.
Dance becomes a means of expression and emancipation, freeing us from the mental and physical chains that limit our daily lives, with the aim of rediscovering the pleasure and joy of being.
Sweat lodge
Make way for the magic of the Circle, freeing our bodies and our voices to light the way.
Boudoirs des Mamas
Pre/Post Natal Rituals, from the entry to the exit of the Vortex from the birth of a child to that of a Mother.
How it all began
Why "Les Boudoirs d'Anahita"?
Find out more about the origin of the name "Les Boudoirs d'Anahita", through a sensitive and funny anecdote.
The story of Anahita's boudoirs
I'm having fun telling you the story behind the name "les Boudoirs d'ANAHITA".
When I was 22 and living in London, I wore heeled boots, coloured nail varnish and I loved underwear!
One day, I was wandering around a London district near a magical park when I came across a small underwear shop. Cosy sofas, subdued lighting, pastel flowers, chocolates on offer... the shop was called 'Boudoir'.
That day, I dreamt of opening my own underwear boutique, which I would call Boudoir.
I haven't worn a bra since I was 25...haha!
But this 'Boudoir' remains precious in my heart.
It's a cocoon where you can find yourself among women, without shame or judgement, and fully be the person you feel you are, here and now.
Inspired by the Boudoirs developed around the 18th century as a salon away from a bedroom, an ideal place where women could take a break and share a moment of intimacy while taking care of themselves and getting together with other women, in a spirit of trust and sharing.
So today, this Boudoir comes to life... differently!!!
And Anahita?
When I was carrying life for the 3rd time, I woke up from a nap to hear "Anahita"...
Two days later, I magically discovered that Anahita was a Persian goddess, the goddess of fertility.
This vibration of Anahita has carried me ever since, linked to all the Goddesses of mythology such as Isis in Egypt, Yemanja in Africa and Latin America, Parvati in India, Ixchel among the Mayas...
These Goddesses are present in all of us,
The ones that bless our creative matrix and help us to grow in our great power to create!
So I'd like to share with you some "Boudoirs" inspired by "ANAHITA" to help us create the realities of our lives, a life of all possibilities.
My career
Explorations, Inspirations and Training
In love with human relationshipsI started out as a team coordinator in England, France and Reunion Island, before moving to a Rainbow community in the heart of the Peruvian Jungle for over a year in 2009.
It was at this point that I offered my first bodywork sessions, inspired by the yoga initiations I'd received earlier, and accompanied by the Medicinal Plants of the Jungle.
In 2011, my curiosity about yoga led me to Vrindavan in India, to take my first yoga teacher training course and to travel for 8 months to discover this philosophy.
When I got back, I'd be as round as the moon, 6 months pregnant, and I'd move to Corsica with my partner and start offering yoga sessions.
My history as a woman and mother of 3 children will encourage me to explore the mysteries of women and mysteries in greater depth.
I train regularly to develop my approach with courses in Womb Yoga, Hormones Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Perineum and Movement, Shakti Yoga...
Amazed by the body and its history and to observe it unleash and emancipate itself for greater freedom of movement from the body into Life, I completed my work by training in Biodynamic Dance with Rafael Baile, "a 'natural' approach to dance, based on the 'organic' laws of movement, favouring the repair of old deficiencies in the body's structure while offering the possibility of revealing its creative potential".
2023/2024 - Training in Biodynamic Dance by Rafael Baile
- Degrees of Psychophony by M.L Aucher
2022/2023 - Regular Shakti Dance classes with Sara
- Yoga with Angela Farmer.
- Blandine's "Perineum and Movement" workshops
2020 - Transmission of the Rebozo Ritual by Yaël Catherinet and Marion Derveaux
Nice France
- Voces Curanderas
Alexandra Ostos
2019 - In the heart of Peru's Sacred Valley
From a free, family birth to the ancestral care received (Rebozo, Temazcal/Sweat lodges, Rituals, etc.).
- Holistic Gyn-Ecology Training
Marie Pénélope Péres
2018 - Yin Yoga Course 50Hrs
Biff Mithoefer
Savoie France
- Womb Yoga & Prenatal Yoga Course 100 Hrs
Uma Dinsmore Tulil
Portugal (Inspiration Angela FARMER)
- Hormonal Yoga Training 30 Hrs
Dinah Rodriguez
Aix en Provence France
- Follow-up to training courses and seminars towards a new birth paradigm
Karine - Quantik Mama
2017 - Yin Yoga Course 50 Hrs
Cécile Roubaud
Savoie France
2016 - Participation in several waves and retreats of Gabriel Roth's Dance of the 5 Rhythms
2015 - Participation in the Integral Yoga Teacher Training Course
Yogi Vishvketu - Anand Prakash Ashram
Rishikesh India
2015 - Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat
Maitri Baraz
Kerala India
2012 - Traditional Thai Yoga Massage Course 90Hrs
Sunshine Massage School
Chiang Mai Thailand
2011 - 200 Hrs Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course
Vrindavan India
2009/2011 - A year in the heart of the Amazon jungle in Peru, accompanied by the Ayahuasca Mother Plant, Arc en Ciel community.
2007/2009 - First introduction to Hatha Yoga
Reunion Island