Yoga Matrice or Boudoir Matrice?

Le Yoga Matrix is a practice that invites women to consciously explore the messages in their bodies, right down to the depths of their uterus and feminine organs, in order to let them express themselves throughout the body, gradually rediscovering a spontaneous and free movement of life.

The practice offers a series of postures, movements and gestures, supported by specific breathing techniques, which awaken our bodily awareness, nourish our female bodies and reactivate movement in our bodies and our reality.

Symbols and visualisations awaken our perceptions, helping us to reconnect with our internal and external genitalia, and to mobilise the pelvis, the perineum, the spinal axis and the whole body, with the intention of releasing heavy information imprinted on our bodies, stimulating our presence and grounding, and nourishing our creativity and joie de vivre.

Listening to the voice of her deepest self as a woman and connected to the Voice of the Universal Matrix of Life, the woman rediscovers an intuitive and spontaneous movement, unleashing her body, releasing her ardour for Life, reactivating her bodily perceptions and guiding her on her path of Life.

Yoga Matrice is a physical, therapeutic, creative and artistic approach to freeing the voice from its depths and liberating women's voices.

So that we can never again be silent, forget each other, lose each other...divide each other!

The Boudoir Matrix offer journeys of reconnection to her intuitive and spontaneous movement, free and authentic, inspired by the voice of her depths, towards the expression of the Dance of her reality.

A deep, introspective, liberating and creative journey, the Boudoirs Matrice take us on an intimate exploration of ourselves, our mysteries, our history and our memories, guiding us towards the free, intuitive expression of our authentic movement, our unique Dance, raising the voice of our truth.

And it is together that we unite, support and love each other in our unique truth.

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