What is Yoga & Mouvement Matrice©?

Inspired by several resources such as Uma Dinsmore Tuli's Women's Yoga/WombYoga, Dinah Rodriguez's Hormonal Therapeutic Yoga, Angela Farmer's Sensitive Yoga, Sara Avtar's Shakti Dance practice, Marie Pénélope Péres' Holistic Gyn'écologie approach, Rafael Baile's Biodynamic Dance, Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra, Marie-Louise Aucher's Psychophony...Through more than 15 years of yoga practice and bodily exploration... through her encounters and shamanic journeys... through her research and explorations, her inspirations and creations... Mila offers a Yoga Matrix© practice.

Yoga Matrice is a physical, therapeutic, creative and artistic approach to liberating the voice from deep within women.

Each moment of practice offers a journey of exploration from the Matrix and the interconnected organs, inviting you to activate the drums of its depths, to let the perineum vibrate and to release a spontaneous movement of the pelvis and the vertebral axis.

Postures, movements and gestures, supported by breathing techniques, but also by symbols and visualisations that help us to reconnect with our internal and external genitalia, with the intention of releasing heavy information imprinted on our bodies, stimulating our presence and anchoring and nourishing our creativity and joie de vivre.

Little by little, the woman rediscovers her life movement and freely and intuitively creates the Dance of her Matrix, raising the voice of her reality as a Woman.

The practice offers a path of awareness towards one's own individuality, interconnected with the collective unconscious, liberating the voice of one's deepest essence as a woman, in unison with all women and their stories.

Matrix Yoga invites you to let your body and your voice express themselves, to honour and celebrate your inner worlds in resonance with the visible and invisible Worlds.

Convinced that every woman carries, at the heart of her Matrix, the Mysteries of the Worlds and of Creation, Anahita's Boudoirs are an invitation to encounter these Worlds and reveal these mysteries towards a rediscovered Wisdom.

And it's together that we unite, support and love each other, ready to invite people to dance and walk hand in hand towards a World of Peace.

The Bodily Voice of Women

Practice offers space:

* from back to the source of the Life movement from our journey in utero to the woman of today and the one on the way,
* d'listening to the voice of the depths of Woman,
* from release bodies and expansion the force of Life,
* d'free expression of her reality as a woman and creation of the Dance of its truth,
* from reconnecting with your intuitive, spontaneous, free and authentic movement in its body and its movement, right through to its Life.

What makes it special

Matrix Yoga & Movement is an intuitive approach to Yoga and Movement based on 3 main axes:

Reactivate natural reflexes and spontaneous movements for a healthy, liberated body structure, like that of a newborn baby fresh out of its mother's Matrix,

Untying the body and its historyIt's about freeing ourselves from the physical, mental and emotional blocks that limit the body in its postures and in the expression of its authentic movement, with obvious repercussions in our daily lives,

Make a deep connection with her Woman Matrix and associated bodiesSpaces of Life, Creation, Expansion and Transformation,
and nourish the pleasure and joy of being a woman with a free and liberated body.

Its benefits

  • Restore spontaneous, natural, free movement in your body and in your life, with lightness, clarity and fluidity,
  • Feeling contained and secure in her female body,
  • Reconnection, awareness and consciousness of the womb, uterus, internal and external genitalia, pelvis, perineum and vertebral axis,
  • Falling in love with your female body and its history,
  • Let go of the masks and embrace your darkness, your light, your memories and your wisdom,
  • Daring to present yourself to the Worlds in all your shades and colours as a woman,
  • Open up to change and movement in your life, with confidence and serenity,
  • Activate your sense of security, belonging, anchoring and presence,
  • Maintaining the health of her Matrix and vaginal flower,
  • Awakening desire, pleasure and voluptuousness,
  • Nurturing self-love, self-confidence and confidence in life,
  • Release fears and limitations and nurture strength, courage and daring in a deep and lasting way,
  • Getting together and activating solidarity, support and love between women,
  • Reconnect with the Wisdom of our Matrices and Dance Life.

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