Boudoir In Utero * Yoga, Movement, Dance for all Women

By following Carl Gustav Jung's concept of the collective unconscious, beyond our own womb, we have the opportunity to connect to the energy of the Universal Womb, the source of humanity.
So I invite women to journey into the depths of their Uterus, informing it of its mysteries as a cyclical and creative woman, but also, connected to the Matrices of all women throughout the world and time, and as I often say, interconnected to the mysteries of life and the Universe.

My approach aims to guide women on their individual journey of self-love, but also to inspire women to express, through their bodies, the memories and messages of their bodies as women, to raise, together, the voice of women's reality.

All explorations begin at the heart of the source of humanity's birth: the womb.
Like a foetus, the woman is lulled by the moment, listening and feeling.

In the depths of his inner winterShe lets the spontaneous messages of her uterine drums come to her and listens to what needs to be expressed, here and now, in confidence and security.

The birth can begin...its inner spring is ready to awaken.

Movement gently enters the body, awakening awareness of our natural breathing and activating the reflex of propulsion from our belly, pelvis and spine.
To feel contained and supported, getting in touch with your body is essential. Touching it, massaging it, dissociating movements...

I really like to refer to J.Liedloff's concept of the Continuum, in this first stage of reconnecting with your body as a woman to nourish what needs nourishing to feel confident, contained and supported for the journey.

And it is by inviting movement from the ground, on all fours, to the crouching and standing postures that the woman enters into full presence with her body and the possibilities of the moment.
Space is created within, and breathing carries and transports.

In his inner summer, the woman secures her axes and her anchorage, ready to present herself to the worlds, to celebrate herself and to greet the Earth, the Sun, the sky and the stars, and all that surrounds her.
With complete confidence in herself and her environment, she can enter the dance of his Matrix.

In its inner autumnthe woman connects to her intuitive or primitive expression. It's a time of freer expression to let go of what's weighing you down, nourish your body and dare to radiate the colours of the moment.

The cycle takes its course and his inner winter invites him to get closer to the Earth. By placing the body in postures on the floor, the muscles, bones and fascia, as well as the organs and uterus, are freed to release emotions, memories, messages, visions and new-found wisdom.

A little death to be reborn lighter, anchored and connected to oneself and one's depths, to return to the living, vibrant flow of one's daily life as a woman.

My story

  • As a young girl, I was quickly curious about exploring my female body.
    I felt good, confident and totally myself in these moments of intimacy and in my sexuality, awakening more and more of what was sparkling inside me and which I was allowing myself to express fully.

    Let's just say it was my first connection to my female body, in all its power, beauty and depth.
  • It was in 2009, in the heart of the Amazon jungle, accompanied by medicinal plants, that I had the profound sensation of entering into contact with my matrix and its memories, and even reconnecting with certain intra-uterine memories.

    These experiences have guided me towards a more conscious awareness of this space in my female body and its mysteries, awakening many of the sufferings that I had failed to bring to my attention thanks to my protective unconscious.

    Awakening these memories, I really felt the courage to look at them, listen to them and transcend them....
    the courage of all women to explore its depths, to encounter their memories as women, to dare to bring them out into the open and raise their voices at the same time.
  • My 5 pregnancies and 3 births will have a definite importance in my journey of listening to the mysteries of our matrices.
    These are times when women are undeniably connected to the matrix that creates life, but also when every human being, in the heart of their mother's womb, can access the memories of the birth of humanity.
  • I've been offering yoga and body expression sessions for over 15 years, mainly for women and pregnant women, and I've been able to observe many bodies and realise the story behind their postures and movements.

    All these years have gradually led me to focus my approach on the woman and especially the place of her uterus in the reality of her life as a woman.
  • My training in Women's Yoga, Womb Yoga, Hormonal Yoga, Holistic Gynecology and Feminine Anatomy has enriched my work, so that today I can offer women the opportunity to listen to their innermost depths and let their consciousness express what needs to be heard, to release what is weighing them down, to feel at all times their centre and their creative source, and to illuminate their path in life.
  • And then there are the women in my lineage, the women in my heart, the women in my microcosm of life...
    And then there are the women of the world and the awareness of the unspoken, the jealousies, the discrimination, the injustices, the suffering, the violence... and our daily challenge to make ourselves heard and respected, but also the place of our uteruses in society.

I'll come back to this subject in a later article...

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