Cycle 2 * Online course Yoga & Movement Matrix
69,00 €
6 Online courses of Yoga & Matrix Movement + 2 BONUSES of Biodynamic Dance
6 hours of Yoga and Movement classes + 2 hours of DANCE BONUS
Cycle 2 theme:
Stimulate letting go * Source of Transformation
8 hours of videos
Course playlists on Spotify
Accessible for 1 year
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Essentially inspired by Rafael Baile's Biodynamic Movement & Dance approach, Cycle 2 will "free your body from all artificial technical constraints by bringing it back to its natural psychomotricity".
This Cycle will allow you to deeply untie your body, integrating the fundamental laws of movement and reconnecting with your animal source.
You'll gradually discover the free, wild woman within you, connected to her womb centre at all times, a precious guide to the path of life to follow.