
A day for reconnect with your Source of Life, Transformation and Creation.

A day where you can plunge into the heart of your Matrix of Life.

A day when you can come and feed your Life and Transformation Force.

A day when you give life to the woman you deeply are.

presentation of the day

Mila invites you on an extraordinary journey to free yourself from the physical and emotional blocks that limit your joy and pleasure in everyday life.

A day when your head and your body come together to give birth to the unique, free and authentic woman who vibrates within you.

L'the main aim of the day is to meet you in a profound way so that you are no longer limited, hidden or distorted, but also to unite with all the women along the way so that we are never again divided.

We'll start the day in a 3-hour journey of body exploration to the source of our primal movement and the history we have imprinted in our bodies, and then dive deeper into the source of our individuality at the core of our identity. heart of the Sweat Lodgeand to round off the day with a 1-hour ritual to gently welcome the free woman who has just been born, ready to give Body and Life to her most precious dreams.

presentation of the speakers

Since 2019, Mila has been offering Sweat Huts to open up space for women who want to travel to meet their true nature, free and wild.

The Sweat Huts she proposes follow a very precise rhythm, that of the cycles of life interrelated with the cycles of the Moon, the cycles of women, the cycles of childbirth... the cycles of life itself.

So when the woman invites herself into a hut, she already knows the rhythm, but doesn't yet appreciate the depths of the journey.

In 2009, life took Mila to the heart of the Amazon jungle, to a Rainbow Community. She stayed there for more than a year, encountering the wisdom of the Mother Medicinal Plants of the Selva and the Sweat Huts.

This immersion will radically transform his reality, opening up the inner space to trust and faith in absolute Life.

Since then, she has sought to transmit this deep sense of well-being and confidence in herself and in Life through different approaches (such as Yoga, Shamanism, Expressive Dance...).

Since 2023, she has been training with Rafael Baile in Biodynamic Movement & Dance.
His approach gave substance and meaning to his research and gave him access to movement and dance therapy.

The "In ùtero" workshop is largely inspired by this.

His intention is for everyone to dare to delve into their own depths and history, to present themselves authentically, without shame or judgement, and to welcome others in all their uniqueness.

Together, towards a World of Peace.


What to bring:

  • Throws
  • Hot stuff
  • Cushions
  • Carpets
  • Flowers and plants offered by nature for the cauldron of Eau de Fleurs (Post Hut)
  • Blindfold
  • Water bottle


Soon to be unveiled


To register:

I would like to contact Mila to receive more information:



A lover of human connection, Mila began her career as a team coordinator in England, France and Reunion Island, before leaving in 2009 to live in a community in the heart of the Peruvian Jungle for over a year, accompanied by the Mother Plant of La Selva, which radically freed her from many physical and psychological blockages.

It was at this point that she began to offer her first bodywork classes, inspired by the yoga she had previously received.

In 2011, her curiosity about yoga led her to Vrindavan, India, to take her first yoga teacher training course and travel for 8 months to discover this philosophy.

On her return, round as the moon and 6 months pregnant, she settled in Corsica with her partner and began offering yoga classes.

Her story as a woman and mother of 3 children will lead her to explore in greater depth the mysteries of womanhood and the place of the womb.

She will complement her approach with training in Womb Yoga, Hormone Yoga, Yin Yoga, Perineum and Movement, Psychophony and Biodynamic Movement and Dance.

Years of yoga and body expression sessions have given Mila an increasingly keen eye for the memories, histories and pathways drawn on our bodies and deep within the matrix of women. In 2021, this led her to create spaces called "Boudoirs", so that everyone can dare to delve into their own depths, listen to the voice of their history and express the dance of their reality through their bodies.