The mamas

Boudoir des Mamans Lunes

A liberating and creative ritual to build confidence and serenity in the journey from the birth of your child to that of a Mother.



Throughout the Boudoir des Mamans Lunes, you will travel through .

and for the unborn baby of .

Throughout this Boudoir, you will travel, sometimes alone, sometimes with your baby, through the world:


If you'd like to treat yourself to the Boudoir des Mamans Lunes or a friend, sister or wife...the cost varies between 90 and 120 euros depending on the location (at the person's home or in our spaces + geographical area), the day and the time.

Use the application form↓

I would like to organise a Boudoir des Mamans Lunes with Mila

You want to programme a Boudoir des Mamans Lunes? Contact Mila to arrange a date, location and details, and get a quote tailored to your boudoir.

Boudoir request