
Boudoir In Utero

A intuitive approach Yoga, Movement and Dance.

A meeting to reconnect with your authentic movement, free of all conditioning, inspired by the the voice of the depths of your beingand reveal the Dance of your truth.

A journey combining Biodynamic Movement & Dance by Rafael Baile and Yoga Matrix.





The Boudoir lasts 3? hours and costs €52 per person.

Throughout the year, I offer Boudoirs in various locations or on request:
-the programme boudoir is in Home pageKeep up to date with all the latest Boudoirs news by subscribing to our newsletter.
-for visit upcoming dates or for request a Boudoir, anywhere else and according to your schedule,
Use the application form↓

I would like to organise a Boudoir with Mila

You wish to schedule a Boudoir with your tribe of women? Do you have a venue in mind? Contact Mila to arrange a date, venue and details, and get a quote tailored to your boudoir.

Boudoir request